Buddhist Sculpture and Painting

Buddhist Architecture, Vietnamese Architecture

Synopsis: Published materials on Buddhist sculptures and paintings particularly lack a developmental and holistic perspective; few endeavored to elucidate the chronologies and stylistic relationships with their Indian subcontinental sources. This volume, which originally intended as a complementary work to my book ‘BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE’ first published in 2010, will address these scholastic deficiencies and primarily covers the period between the third century BCE-twelfth centuries CE. It results in new answers that Vajrayana imageries have strongly been influenced by early Hindu iconography and Tantric Hinduism. It also proposes a fresh chronology for the contentious Central Asian murals after carefully reviewing Indian and Chinese sources. The volume further examines Aniconic sculptures and paintings in India as well as their origins and unique symbolisms.

Formats: Paperback color, digital

Details: 7.5” x 9.25” (140mm x 216mm), 236 pages, 19 color drawings, 53 color photos, 21 grayscale photos, 1 b/w drawing

Published Date: April 2012

ISBN: 9780984404315

PURCHASE: Amazon.com (worldwide)